Messages left with donations to the NSPCC in memory of Stephen from family and friends. I always think of your face when I met you in Sheffield that day with your loving sister Liesl who misses you so much. I see your eyes in the faces of the vulnerable young men who I serve cuppas and sarnies to at the soup kitchen and at the winter night shelter. RIP Stephen x Tracy Poole 18 December 2020 Donation of £50.00 is monies i would spend on Christmas cards. Feel that donating to your tribute fund may help at least one child and The NSPCC would benefit children who need our help !! Merry Christmas in Heaven Ste... Love you forever and always xxx Liesl Lawrence 18 December 2020 Miss you so much Ste, Not a day goes by that you are not thought about. Love you Forever xxxxx Liesl Lawrence 28 June 2016 This donation of £50.00 is monies id spend on Christmas cards.Felt that donating to the NSPCC would benefit more children who need our help !! Liesl Elizabeth Lawrence 08 January 2016 This donation of £50.00 is monies id spend on Christmas cards.Felt that donating to the NSPCC would benefit more children who need our help !! Liesl Elizabeth Lawrence 08 January 2016 This donation of £50.00 is monies id spend on Christmas cards.Felt that donating to the NSPCC would benefit more children who need our help !! Liesl Elizabeth Lawrence 08 January 2016 This donation of £50.00 is monies id spend on Christmas cards.Felt that donating to the NSPCC would benefit more children who need our help !! Liesl Elizabeth Lawrence 08 January 2016 This donation of £50.00 is monies id spend on Christmas cards.Felt that donating to the NSPCC would benefit more children who need our help !! Liesl Elizabeth Lawrence 08 January 2016 Miss you loads fella xxx Joanne Knight 09 December 2015 Collection from Elmwood Farm , Liesl Lawrence 28 August 2015 Collected from customers at Elmwood Farm Sheffield. Liesl Lawrence 11 May 2015 Collected from Staff and Customers at Elmwood Farm Beighton Sheffield ! Liesl Elizabeth Lawrence 10 February 2015 RIP Stephen love from Gail Smallwood xx Anonymous 12 December 2014 Lots of love xxx Joanne Knight 06 December 2014 Gonna get you to Liesl's target and help them kiddies. Hope you're having fun up there xxx Joanne Knight 06 December 2014 I remember you in your blue wellies! Rip love Sue Atkins xxx Liesl Lawrence 05 December 2014 Rip Stephen all our love Scott Tj Riley Ellis and Erin. Behave up there ;) xxxx Scott Robinson 02 December 2014 RIP Stephen. Love from Alice xxx Alice Lawrence 02 December 2014 A donation given to me to put in your tribute fund from a lovely couple Alan & Beryl Moore Manvers Rd xxxx Rip Stephen. Liesl Lawrence 01 December 2014 What a lovely service yesterday. We all said our goodbyes and we all loved you very much RIP Uncle Stephen no pain anymore and your with your brothers and mother now. Love you Kier & Calanne xxxx Kier Lawrence 29 November 2014 What a lovely service yesterday. We all said our goodbyes and we all loved you very much RIP Uncle Stephen no pain anymore and your with your brothers and mother now. Love you Kier & Calanne xxxx Kier Lawrence 29 November 2014 nite....nite....sleep tight love Elliot Charis and Macey xxx RiP brother love Chris and Sarah xxx Katie Leanne Gillott 26 November 2014 God bless Scrag, hope you're with you're Mum James Wheat 26 November 2014 2 weeks since you left I'm still hurting so bad xxxx Liesl Lawrence 26 November 2014 Rest in peace Steve. Scott Lawrence 21 November 2014 Your sister Liesl loved you and will always miss you but your inner demons have finally been laid to rest. God bless and sleep tight Stephen Wilson. Tracy Poole 21 November 2014 Hey up you! I hope your mum was waiting for you when you got there. I'll miss you and our little Facebook chats. Shine bright Mr xxxx Joanne Knight 21 November 2014 Hope I do good for you Stephen and help the boys & girls that are suffering just like you was. My heart is breaking but I will keep strong. So long as I live you will be in my heart. Love you forever my little Brother xxxxx Liesl Elizabeth Lawrence 21 November 2014